About Us

IMG_3310 This blog is intended to tell the story of how we are turning our small midcoast Maine home into an urban homestead with as many furry and feathered friends, delicious vegetables, and new ideas as we can cram in.  Along with documenting our experiences, I hope to share the things I learn along with way with our readers.

7654I was raised on a farm and spent my youth riding horses competitively and gnawing on fresh vegetables from our garden.  I moved away, went to college and spent time working in customer service, but the taste of fresh vegetables is kind of addicting.  Inspired by the self reliance of farm life, I have increasingly moved “back to the land” as time has passed.

In addition to maintaining this chronicle of our farming experiences I also do freelance writing about my experiences and findings as a farmer.

Also raised with gardens, homegrown food, and a do-it-yourself mentality, my partner is done with the corporate world and eager to pursue his true passions.  Complementing my cautions with a hardy dose of initiative, he brings the business and building know-how to our equation.

Our small acreage overlooks the Kennebec River and has been someone’s home since the Captain’s House was built there in the 1700s. Old foundations and multiple garden beds are spread throughout the property, remnants of the many families who have worked the land here.

flowers garden

We have tilled out two garden beds which we continue to expand and build around, and the out buildings are being transformed for the needs of a small urban farm. Our land is crisscrossed with old stone walls that we have rebuilt and a pond we carved out and continue to refine.  These landscaping projects keep us busy when we aren’t tending to gardens and animals.

Our first chicks and goslings arrived in 2013.  Our farm is now home to a full flock, and a gaggle of five geese.  The geese keep the grass green and trim while warning us of any unexpected company, and providing endless entertainment.  Our chickens come in spangled breeds and keep my cooking projects going with fresh eggs every day.  In addition to the birds, I maintain a top bar beehive.  We also have a devilish farm cat, patient dog, and lovebirds.  We are looking forward to adding goats to the mix in the coming years.


6 thoughts on “About Us

  1. I just found your blog through Mother Earth. Goodness girl………you are one busy lady. I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog and will be following constantly. I’m hoping to go back to all your entries to see what I can learn from you. I am planning on having chickens this Spring (2016). After reading your article on chickens, I’ve decided we won’t be adding a light to the coop to “force” the girls to lay eggs. I knew people put lights up in the dark seasons for more egg production, but had no clue that this can be harmful to the hens. What a great article.
    Can’t wait to follow along with you – you’re inspiring me. We just bought our Foreclosed property on March 16, 2015. It’s in shambles! It’s such a shame that people are so disrespectful to land. Our plans and hopes are to bring this property back to a healthy state. Hope we live long enough to do so — we are getting close to 70 years, however, we are healthy and happy working outside. Taking it one day at a time and enjoying each and every day working hard.
    Thanks again for sharing all your knowledge and beautiful pictures with us,

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